Forager game optimized map
Forager game optimized map

forager game optimized map

These will affect how you use the cards, guiding you to either focus on building or razing or making deals, but you will always have to do some combination of all of those in order to make the best use of your hand of cards and your faction actions. Some factions, such as the mutants, have a great return rate on red contact tokens, which make them quite effective at razing, others have a better return rate on blue contact tokens, which make them better at making deals. Each of these has different short-term and long-term benefits and each makes for a very difficult decision that is based both on your faction-specific abilities and on your current tableau.


Who doesn't love the tension to be found in trying to decide how to best use a card that can be used in multiple ways!? WHO!? In 51st State, players can use each of their cards for deals, razing, or building. Multi-use cards create a lot of tension and difficult decision points

forager game optimized map forager game optimized map

The artwork and components certainly enhance players' thematic immersion in the game.īonus points for double-sided player boards with female and male sides! Love that!Ģ. Yes, it is still grim and dark, but I have learned not only to accept, but to embrace this beautiful post-apocalyptic world. OMG! LOOK AT THE PIECES!!! I pre-ordered the game from Portal and I think the embossed details on the wooden pieces were part of the pre-order special, but the pieces themselves look and feel amazing even without those upgrades!Īnd the artwork? The artwork that I thought was too grim and depressing in the original version? Despite the fact that some of it remains the same, numerous changes have been made and now, everything looks lovely to me. Gorgeous art and super duper awesome quality production! Then, the game proceeds over a variable number of rounds in the following fashion until one player reaches 25 VP.ġ. And each of these purposes requires the use of different contact tokens, which can be obtained using different resources.Įach player receives a faction board and 6 location cards, of which he selects 4 to keep. Because what's a game world without victory points!?ĥ1st State is a card game with 3 types of cards (production cards that produce resources, feature cards that do something for you such as allowing you to keep certain resources from round to round or giving you points for fulfilling certain conditions, and action cards that allow you to convert a resource or a worker or a combination thereof into points or tokens of various types) and each of these can be used for 3 different purposes (built into your tableau for ongoing effects and abilities, dealt with to provide a resource at the start of each round, or razed and looted for its goods and never heard from again). To do this, players build and raid locations and make lucrative deals to gain resources, discover new locations, and ultimately, make points. In the post-apocalyptic wonderland of 51st State, players represent struggling groups of humans and mutants vying to create the most powerful new state. The world has ended and a new world order arisen. And? Was it awesome? Was it gory? Was it beautiful? Was it just another Imperial Settlers? I figured I could bear the imagery for an awesome game. And then, by the time I decided that I loved Imperial Settlers as much as I did, the 51st State Master set was already in the works. It was also why I was quite happy when Imperial Settlers was born I could play a 51st State-style game without having to look at scary images. I didn't like the artwork and that was what kept me away. So I HAD to have 51st State Master Set! But "Why didn't she just get the original 51st State when that was around before Imperial Settlers?" Frankly, because it looked too grim, too gruesome, and too war-ish. Alas, I cannot and some games I love dearly have to get cut. Imperial Settlers is one of those games that makes me wish I could shrink the fonts on my top 10 and squeeze two games into each slot. I mean, I REALLY love it! It really should be on my top 10, but there is simply not enough room there. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Imperial Settlers.

Forager game optimized map